bScope For education and laboratories Robust and attractively priced microscope HWF 10x/20 mm eyepieces Reversed ball-beared quadruple or quintuple rotating nosepiece Continue reading
BioBlue.lab Binocular and trinocular models Reversed quadruple nosepiece Plan and plan phase objectives Finity and infinity optical system Continue reading
B and B+ series Monocular, binocular and trinocular models WF 10x/18 mm of WF 10x/20 mm eyepiece(s) Revolving reversed nosepiece for 4 or 5 objectives Semi plan, plan IOS, semi plan phase and plan phase objectives Continue reading
Oxion HWF 10x/22 mm eyepieces Bino, trino and multihead systems Optional tilting head Reversed nosepiece for 5 objectives Continue reading
iScope EWF 10x/22 mm and EWF 10x/20 mm eyepieces Binocular and trinocular models Multihead and face-to-face dual head systems Optional tilting head Continue reading
iScope Material Science (asbestos) Binocular and trinocular models HWF 12.5/15 mm eyepieces Reversed quintuple revolving nosepiece Infinity corrected IOS objectives Continue reading
Oxion Inverso Life Science applications Observation of tissue cultures, living cells Brightfield, phase contrast and fluorescence Long working distance IOS plan achromatic objectives Continue reading