SH.1072 Skin section through hair follicle, human
SH.1150 Blood smear human, Giemsa stained
SH.1415 Motor nerve cells with end plates, rabbit w.m.
SH.1470 Taste buds, rabbit, l.s.
SB.2009 Allium cepa, onion, mitosis root tip, l.s.
SB.2055 Zea mays, corn, stem, cs.
SB.2075 Tilia, lime tree, one year stem, c.s.
SB.2100 Pelargonium hortorum, geranium, stem c.s.
SB.2112 Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem, c.s.
SB.2130 Helianthus, sunflower, leaf, c.s.
SB.2135 Nerium oleander, leaf with sunken stomata, c.s.
SB.2210 Lilium, lily, anther with mature pollen, c.s.
SB.2225 Zea mays, corn, corn seed with embryo, l.s
SZ.1520 Paramecium, w.m.
SZ.1535 Euglena virides, a flagellate with eyespot
SZ.1580 Hydra with bud, w.m.
SZ.1630 Taenia, tapeworm pig, mature proglottid, w.m.
SZ.1635 Ascaris megalocephala, horse roundworm, female and male, c.s.
SZ.1640 Lumbricus, earthworm, c.s.
SZ.1655 Daphnia sp., water flea, w.m.
SZ.1705 Apis mellifica, honey bee, posterior leg, w.m.
SZ.1710 Apis mellifica, honey bee compound eye, c.s.
SZ.1719 Musca domestica, house fly, wing w.m.
SZ.1722 Culex pipiens, house mosquito, female, mouth parts
SZ.1724 Fruitfly, drosophila, giant chromosomes of salivary gland, w.m.
Used abbreviations:
c.s. = cross section
l.s. = longitudinal section
w.m. = whole mount